- - Phase 1: First of Four. The Marijuallama Sleepy Smokers Lounge 100% Complete
- Creation of Sleepy Smokers Lounge And The Nexus Underground's Nustand and Vault 25%=35% Complete
- Vip / Whitelist presale collection 100% complete and in progress.
- Opening Of the LLAMAPRINT - A Print your NFT on a shirt store to show the world your Marijuallama pride! For the community only -50% complete
*After sell out each holding member will be able to print 1 free Marijuallama shirt
just pay the shipping......and you have to wear it everywhere!
- LlmaPrint3D - Turn your Llama into a collectable - 25% complete
- Sell Out!- Plan first real world event prior to release of phase 2- poll for location of venue will be voted on by holding members only.
- Phase 2: Begin of Phase 2 collection and unlockable perks -
Currently in production - 25%
-A New Metalounge - code name "stinger collector"- In development
-Cross breed creations - code name "Un Beelievable armor"- In development
-Community Meetup - Location by Poll
- Phase 3 : Planning complete codename "Longneckers" ready for development